NOVEMBER 21-25, 2024
The Virtual 2024 Maharishi Parashara Conference hosted by Ksanati Jyotish is celebrating its third year!
This event will be held live via zoom Nov 21-25 and includes courses and intensives from world renowned Vedic Astrologers Sanjay Rath, Sarbani Rath, Komilla Sutton, Dr. Dennis Harness, Sam Geppi, Dr. Arjun Pai, Narasimha “PVR” Rao, Ksanati, Dr. Andrew Foss, Raman Suprajarama, Dharmesh Mehta, Simon Chokoisky, Freedom Cole, Visti Larsen, Vanita Lenka, Alan Annand, Dr. Malini Iyer, Branka Larsen, Sat Siri Khalsa, Barry Rosen, Ronnie Dreyer, Charlotte Benson, Anandashree, Kanholy Santhip Krishnan, Togi Aditya, Pasha, Pandit Samavedula, Tulsi Bagnoli, Bhavani Dasi, Christina Escamilla, Elise Villiers, Radha Home, Jane Anne Thomas, Joey Bujold, Nandita, Tarun, and Ekaterina! Currently, tier two passes are available and please enjoy the full schedule, the lecture titles, the descriptions, the faculty, and their biographies.
Aum Namah Shivayah