Kṣaṇāti is a Graduate of Drexel University and The Ayurvedic Institute. Kṣaṇāti Studied with Mahadev Levine, Simon Chokoisky, as well as Dr. Vasant Lad, founder of The Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, NM.
Kṣaṇāti Taught Many Webinars With The Organizations Saptarishis Astrology For Many Years Centered Out of Mumbai, India and Now Manages His Own Astrological Organization, Kṣaṇāti Jyotish. Kṣaṇāti's Organization Also Hosts Community Summit Events With Various Members of The Vedic Astrological Family.
Kṣaṇāti is Host of The Annual Maharishi Parashara Conference and currently Practices in His Hometown of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Online. He Also Teaches and Provides Students with A Jyotish Certification Program Through His School Ksanati Jyotish.
Kṣaṇāti Most Passionate Topics Include How to Improve Our Planetary Karma with Ancient, Contemporary, Ayurvedic, and Practical Remedies.
In Recent Years, He Has Focused His Research on Nakṣatra and Understanding Our Deepest Karmas Through Nakṣatra and Our Soul Cycle Evolution with Rahu and Ketu.
Kṣaṇāti Also Teaches and Does Consultations for Vedic Astro Cartography, and Loves How to Use Geography for Our Greatest Prosperity, Love, and Spiritual Evolution.

Kṣaṇāti and Dr. Vasant Lad, BAMS, MASc